Date: Sun May 27, 2001 6:24 pm Hello everyone. I'm new to this group. I found you while searching for symptoms of going off Paxil. I always thought that when I'd have these symptoms I was crazy and completely alone. I had no idea this was so wide spread. It is such a relief to know that this isn't just in my imagination like so many "loved ones" would like me to believe. I have been on paxil for a year and ahalf. I have tried to wean off (didn't work) and I have tried cold turkey (didn't work). I started at 10mgs only to quickly be raised to 40mgs. I have now been on 60mgs for 8 months!!!! Well, I recently ran out, AGAIN and we all know how spendy this crap is. I don't have the money to get it so here I am quiting cold turkey again. It's been 5 days now and yesterday was the worst. Dizzy-floaty feeling, nausia, headache, crying spells etc. Today has been better-so far, it's still early. Has anyone else noticed that symptoms subside a little for a short time when you eat? Just curious. Anyway, thanks for being out there for listening. Prayers to all. Angela Date: Sun May 27, 2001 6:40 pm Response1: You are far from alone! And you are very brave. I detoxed from roughly the same amount and same amount of time from paxil. I was knocked out! And still suffer periodically. If you've come this far, stick with it, don't be talked into getting back on! You sound clear and you've come to the right place. This group is very supportive and filled with great information! Heather Date: Sun May 27, 2001 9:11 pm Response2: Angela, Welcome!!!I commend you on wanting to quit but the way you are going about it is extremely dangerous, and will certainly make you feel like you are going crazy! It is a shock to your system and your Central Nervous System will go haywire not knowing how to react without the drugst that it has been dulled with all this time. Trust me, I know, I quit cold turkey myself after trying to slowly wean myself but got impatient and i went way too fast and the withdrawl came on with a vengeance!!! for your own good you need to go back on and look up the weaning off list on the Prozacawareness website please do it for your own good!!!! You can get some great advice here there are some very knowledgeable people here and we have all been right where you are at one time. Take care. Theresa Date: Sun May 27, 2001 8:31 pm Thankyou Heather for your words of encouragement. I already told my boyfriend that if for some reason he ends up taking me to the emergency room over this do NOT let them give me Paxil. It makes me so angry when I read what I and everyone else is going through because of greedy and uncaring people. Angela Date: Sun May 27, 2001 9:20 pm Hi Theresa. First I want to say how great it is to have so many people to talk to who have either gone through this or are presently going through it. I realize that cold turkey is potentially dangerous. The last time I did it I thought I was going to crawl right out of my skin. Then I didn't know what was happening to me. This time I know what I'm dealing with and I have an idea of where this could lead to. I've been keeping my boyfriend(live-in) up to date with everything I've been learning from all of you and have told him if things get too terribly bad he either has to take me to the e.r. or get me the drug. I'd really, really hate to start taking even a small amount of it again, especially with everything I now know about it. It's legalized poison. I'll keep you posted on my progress and I will check out the site you recomended. Thankyou for caring! Angela Date: Tue May 29, 2001 4:39 pm Hi everyone...Bad day today...Everything seems to be setting me off...I feel alot of rage...I can't seem to cope with anything today...I finally have my kids today and I can't stop snapping and hollering at them...Makes me feel so useless... Angela Date: Wed May 30, 2001 1:49 am Michelle- Yes it's been a week and today has been horrible. After my kids went back to their dads I came home and just cried uncontrollablly for 2 hours or more. I felt so horrible cause I'd waited 5 days to see them and when they finally got here it seemed like all I could do was yell and scream about who knows what. I realize at the time that things are setting me off easier because of the withdrawls but I don't stop myself. Then after they were gone it just hit me. My children must hate me and think I'm the worst mom in the world. I called them about ahalf hour ago and apologized for my inexcuseable behavior and told them how much I love them. They said that's okay and that they know i love them. My boyfriend is having a real hard time making sense of my behavior today which doesn't make things easier either. I'm to the point of feeling like I really don't know how I'll make it through the night. I'll let you know if tomorrow is better. Angela Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 7:24 pm In PROZACAWARENESS@y..., "Angie" wrote: Well, guys I can't say that I get that way. But, I have to say that I would not put it past the anti depressants things, All of them. I just get really emotional and cry over everything. I mean EVERYTHING. I woke up in the middle of some dream earrily this morning and the dream was so real. It was about my Plants. I have some really nice Big tree type plants I would tell you the names of them I can say them but can't spell if my life depended on it. Anyway, I woke up thinking that I has already a wake, I went doenstairs to find all my plants DEAD. I woke up in a mad, upset crying rage untill I reallized I was only dreaming. So nothing you could say right now could top what I felt and did this morning. I always think that everyone is talking bad about me, Why I am not sure. anyway that is my lastest thing. Just hoping it will all past really soon. Just to let everyone know I am loosing weight. So far in 2 weeks this next thrusaday I will have lost a total of 15 lbs. It seems to be disapearing as fast as I got it ,I hope. I gained 50 lbs in 6 months. At this rate I am loosing it faster than I was. I am so happy. Good luck and take care. Angie Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 10:14 pm Response from Angela to Angie: Angie, I too get this way with dreams. Sometimes, it takes me sooo long to really wake up out of them. It's almost like I'm having a dream w/i a dream w/i a dream. And before I'm totally awake I have to awaken in each level of dreams. Then when I'm finally awake I just sit and cry cause it seems so real. Sometimes when this happens I get afraid to go back to sleep because I'm afraid the next time I won't wake up from the dream, I'll be trapped within it forever. Crazy huh? Angela